March 28, 2011

It's time for a count down

So Matt should be leaving for his new job soon and I am worried. I know that this is what is best for our family and I am reall gonna love having insurance again. but this being gone anywhere from 3 weeks to 5 months is gonna be tough on not only me but Olivia too. I know that eventually I will be asking when he is gonna go back to work. LOL I know it will work out and I have some amazing friends and family to help with support.
I have been having a little pity party for myself the past few days. Just one of those weeks, Well it is turning into a month actually. Can't seem to find a grove for anything. I hate not having control of anything and everything in my life, So I am slowly learning to go with the flow but it is really hard.
On another subject it has been 5 years since we have tried to have another baby and it is really getting me down. I did fertlility treatments but without insurance I am at a stand still as to my options right now. I am thankful that I get to work with babies all day so I don't get so down. But it seems every month gets a little harder and I just keep hoping to be surprised one day. I would even be okay to feel awful the whole time. I wish that I had more money and I would just adopt a baby or even siblings. I know that God has a plan and I am waiting somewhat patiently. I try but I am making no promises.
I also wanna thank a certain someone (no names mentioned bc she knows who she is I hope) you are a great friend and Where were you way back when? You always listen and seems to make me feel a little better. You are a great person and a true frind is hard to come by. Love Ya
okay so I am done venting and having a pity party!

March 25, 2011

My Life!

So last weekend after my daughter was feeling better after having the flu we ventured to the lake once again and took Harley my first born. Ha Naturally he LOVES water! He is the greatest dog ever and him and Olivia have grown up with each other. Liv loves to go for walks and Yes that is my dog under water. He is so funny you can throw a rock and he will dive and get that exact rock. I tell Matt all the time he should have been a drug dog cause he can smell everything. Well enough catcing up tonight I am beat and I think I need to hit the Hay. Night all


So a couple weeks ago Olivia had a friend over and it was sooo much fun. We started out picking up Audrey and heading to West Plains Civic center for the Monster Jam. Which we were all pumped up about!

We had to have so pictures before we left the house and couldn't resist Mitchum's Sweet face!

So we got to the Civic Center and it was not impressive at all. It was small and the fumes from the trucks were really bad. So after about 15 minutes of that we left to find something else to keep us busy. A few while we were there..

Which Lead us to the lake which is just a couple miles down the road from my house. I have to say it is such a long drive to town but I LOVE the country so peaceful and I don't really worry about anything. I got some really good pictures of the girls. Man they should have been sisters I love spending time with them because they crack me up with all the things they come up with. Never a dull moment.

I am SO behind!

Ok so it has been so long since I have been on here and I have a lot of catching up to do. I don't wanna go back 2 years so just the most recent!
My baby turned 6 and is in kindergarten this year and I can't believe how fast she is learning. It just blows my mind. We had her birthday at the preschool I work at and we rented a bouncy house and the kiddos had so much fun.

Here is a couple of Olivia'S best friend Audrey and of course Danielle and Brooke with some Bieber FEVER!!!!!

I have to say I have the most awesome friends and co workers I could ask for! It makes it so much easier to go to work when you know there will be lots of laughs!

March 18, 2011

I am back!

So it has been crazy around our house lately! Olivia has had the flu the past few days and let me tell you I do not like seeing her sick at all! We are also getting prepared for daddy leaving for his new job in the next few weeks! Mommy is really not looking forward to it!
My big girl turned 6 a couple weeks ago and I am so amazed at how good she is doing in school. She reads a lot and is just getting so smart. Well as soon as I get my wifi up and going I have tons of catching up to do on pictures!