So I guess it is time for a little recap. I have been super busy, well for me I have been. Spent some time with my wonderful husband. I am still after a year just getting through it. I can’t say that it has gotten easier but I manage to make it through.
I have spent some time with my sassy child at the lake but boy these days are just so DANG hot and I hate summer. I was born in Michigan so I am all for some colder weather. My In laws arrived on Montana today and said it was a cool 73 degrees. I could see me living there. I think we should all do a little rain dance to give us some sort of relief from this awful drought.
Well because of the hot weather we spend a lot of time inside just being lazy. I have been in a reading frenzy the past 3 weeks and in that 3 weeks I have conquered about 9 books. I recommend them to anyone. I have realized after reading the risqué trilogy Fifty Shades, I have realized I love me some risky romance. Some people say it is just “Mommy Porn”, well to some it may but for me it is incredible love story with yes and amazing bedroom life. I am such an honest open minded person so you just have to take me as I am.
I have read so many blogs talking about how wrong it is but I think those women are just prudes. If it isn’t for you then don’t read it. My husband laughs at me because I always have my kindle with me ready to read. That has become my nightly routine after putting O to bed, I settle for a quick bath, snuggle up in bed and read till I can no longer hold my eyes open.
Here is what I have read this past 3 weeks.
I read this book in less than 24 hours and I absolutely loved it. It starts with the same story line as Fifty but it takes turn and is a bit more descriptive. I would have loved it still even if it was tamed down a lot because it is an incredible love story. Can’t wait till book 2 comes out October 2nd.
okay so this is actually the second book of a Danver’s Novel. The first, Weekends Required was another beautiful love story with some steamy scenes. LOL this is becoming a pattern. LOL Love me some smut!
this is another but it is pretty tame but good.
This is more along the lines of Hunger Games I recommend it to everyone.
The second book of this Trilogy is,
So if you loved to have your nose in a book these are some good finds.
Here are some lake and pool pictures of my girlie and niece
We recently put up some new insulation in the house and I must say our normal electric bill in the summer is between $250 and $300 a month. and our biggest one yet has been $181. I must say it has helped because we have had some killer days. In that we started re- dry walling our house eventually the whole trailer will be new. so we started in the kitchen and M and O were not sure of my color choice but it is growing on them. M decided to put his creativity in effect and it looks awesome
He is so good at what he does, he makes me proud.
Spent some time at my cousin Chris’s graduation party and of course my uncle and his girlfriend have lots of animals. So my child in in seventh Heaven.
this is a 5 day old baby goat. I will be honest I am turning my wheels to get her a bottle baby.
Work is good I actually get Friday’s off and work 4 tens which works out wonderful for me so I can see M more. When school starts it will be a mommy day.
On a suckier note M was here this past weekend and it was one disaster after another. I have plans to spray the house for bugs and get all my trees, flowers and bushes set up on a timer because it is such a pain to move the hose fifty times a night. So we bought some more hoses and timer and got it set up and low and behold my stupid washer decided it was time to call it quits. I guess our relationship wasn’t working out. A**hole. So My handy Dandy husband figured it out and put a new fuse on it and I was oh so happy and I fell in love with him all over again. Ha the little things in a marriage. Well It was short lived when it popped the fuse again. Then I was flat pissed. (not at M) but he was just as made because he changed it again and once again it popped. Stupid washer. It is over your not even worth the effort to fix. What a wasted 5 years. Any ways I shopped around and oh my my they are so expensive. I called about a few in the paper but they were not willing to separate the set. My friend Alicia told me her husbands friend just got married and had one for sale. I was hesitant because you never know what you are going to get. Then one of my sweet babies momma sent my boss a picture of a washer and the lady called me at work and I realized it was the same couple that Alicia told me about. What a small world. But it gets even smaller. I then put two and two together and realized who it was and the husband and I use to hang out when I was dating one of my colorful exs back in the day. Crazy, but it made me feel so much better knowing these two very sweet people would not screw anyone over. Congrats to them on their marriage I hope you have many blessed years.
I have enjoyed my lazy 4th of July and I go back to work tomorrow and then 3 days off. AHHHHHH
As I end this post I have to tell you what my daughter is doing right this second. My child is Crazy and she has her nail file giving our dogs a pedicure. LOL wait tills she paints their nails. I will stop her before that I will not have any drag dogs in my house LOL
Signing off and stay cool
Jeanna Marie