So my Mother’s Day was pretty darn good this year. My Hubs surprised me by coming home and spending time with us and O has been in an unusually good mood. Still not listening real great but oh well she is 7.
Sunday we spent all day outside. Well M and O let momma sleep until 1. Wowza I can’t remember the last time I slept past 830 or 9. Yes I am blessed with a child that likes to sleep in like her momma. Thank goodness because I am pretty Grumpy when momma doesn’t get her sleep. Anyway, we ate some breakfast lunch and headed down the road to the lake. I Love living a half mile from the lake. It is pretty quiet at the end of our dirt road for now but once summer hits it gets busy busy!! We caught a bunch of perch to let go in our pond. Then decided we would put out s few jugs. I had the day off Monday so we went out after O got on the bus and checked them. We caught one really nice Catfish to put in the pond. Now M is on a hunting kick.
Today M and I were kind of lazy and then got ready and headed to town. picked up O and did some running and went to dinner at Colton’s. It was sooooooo good.
I am officially back down to a 25 lb loss with my weight watchers. I gained a half pound last week and lost less than a pound this week. I guess my lazy butt is going to have to just get up and exercise. I have kind of hit the point of just the cutting back isn’t fast enough for me. I do Love the compliments that I get about looking different.
Here are some random pictures that I love and of course I am still in love with 50 shades. Yes yes I am. If you haven’t read them you must.
I hope everyone is having a good week. I am back to work tomorrow and I just would love to spend the rest of the week in my pjs or on the lake, but that is life got some babies to take care of.
signing off
Jeanna Marie
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