February 29, 2012

Happy Hump day!

   So I had a little girl with a tummy ache yesterday so I kept her home from school.  Normally I would have just sent her and took my chances of a phone call but the poor girl was doubled over in pain.  So the good mom that I am gave her a bit and loaded her full of fiber gummies and Miralax.  Bahaha so it was kinda funny I am such a cruel mother.  But what ever works by the afternoon the pain had subsided. 

   Fiber Gummies, who would have thought you can eat just 3 gummies a day to help you poop.  Seriously hope this doesn’t offend anyone and if it does just stop reading cause I am about as honest as can be.  O argued with me bc she DID NOT want to take them.  She told me a story that made me giggle just a bit.  I guess last week she was out at recess and had to potty, she got in there and apparently missed the rest of recess bc it was taking tooo long.  She said I will only take one bc it was stuck and made me miss my recess.  OOPPPPS!  Oh how I just adore the honesty of a child.

   “Hunger Games”  I have never read another book other than the “Twilight “ series so fast.  I took me about 2 days to read it and I Freaking LOVE it.  I went and got the second one as well.

    Good news M might get to come home this weekend after all.  I think that Friday after work O and I (maybe daddy) have a movie date.  We are going to see “Journey 2”.

   The next week is my girls birthday, she is gonna be my big 7 year old.  It is so crazy when I look back at old pics and see her so tiny I my arms.  I miss my sweet naps everyday with her.  She has kinda grown out of those. 

Here are some random pics over the years.

olivia2005 011Olivia

My baby when she was about 3 weeks old.  Geez I really miss that tiny baby that I loved to cuddle.

olivia2005 021  With her Uncle Aaron

Debbie MartincutieMatthew

So the picture on the left is my MIL and then O and I swear they look so much alike it’s not even funny.  But she looks like M soooooo much.  In fact I am not sure she is even mine.  The one on the right is M with his Gma Brown, I wish I could have met her I hear she was pretty amazing and raised an amazing family as well


Kinda blurry but still cute


Who could resist this kid?

  Well gotta get some rest  have a wonderful rest of the week. 

Peace out!!!!!

February 27, 2012

Monday Rambles

    Okay so first off I went to my Weight Watchers meeting and lost another 2.9 lbs (I will just say 3).  I m so super proud that for once I feel like I am the one in control of how I eat and feel.  To be honest since I have been eating better my gall bladder seems to have calmed down. Yay

   On that note my MIL is have some gall stone issues and may be onto surgery, yes it is a minor procedure but lots of prayers. 

   On another prayer note My Uncle Wayne is in the hospital and so far I think LR turned him down for a heart transplant, so defiantly needing some prayers for him and the rest of the family.

    I started reading the “Hunger Games” last night and I have been waiting all day to come home and read some more of it. I am hoping to finish most of it tonight.

    I had the weirdest dream last night about an old crush from high school that use to be one of my very good friends.  Sorry honey!  I woke up thinking holy cow haven’t seen or heard from him in years.  But it was one of those dreams that starts out with one guy and ends with another.  I seriously need someone to tell me what my dreams mean.  I am just curious, Why do I have a dream several times a year that my teeth just crumble right out of my head or that I have hundreds of dreams that I am I labor with twins.  I am still waiting for that one to come true.  Anywho…..

   This is just random but I wish that I could get some financial assistance to go back to school.  But I really don’t have a clue as to what I wanna be when I grow up.  Do I wanna work at a preschool the rest of my life.  Don’t get me wrong I love what I do and I love my babies as they are my own.  Hmmmm

    Lots of just random thoughts lately and I wish I could just make some sense of it. 

    Looking forward to some American Idol this week.  Wednesday the Top 12 girls perform.  I also started watching “The Walking Dead”  kinda weird but at the same time it have some YUMMY guys in it.  Bahaha

   Well thanks for listening to my Monday Rambling thoughts!

February 25, 2012

Puke, Poop and Boogers!!!!

     Okay so this week has really taken it’s toll on me.  “Why” you ask, well most know by now I take care of babies all day.  I LOVE my job but there are always the downfalls, OKAY well there is one downfall and that is catching EVERYTHING under the sun.

     The week started normal and then they started dropping like flies. Fevers, Puking, Pooping more than normal and the diapers totally NOT keeping it contained, and fevers and most of all TONS of snot and boogers.

     It was so weird though I woke up last Saturday feeling awful like I might be getting the flu and then Sunday woke up fine.  Then on Monday night I woke up around midnight and felt it coming on.  Woke up Tuesday and felt like DEATH all week running a fever off and on mainly at night though.  So I decided when I got off work Friday I would run to the Wal-Mart clinic in town and get checked, major fail.  They said that they had reached there maximum number of people they can treat in a day.  All I heard was BLAH BLAH BLAH

     So I thought well maybe this was a sign that I will feel better on my own, boy was I so wrong and that NEVER happens!  Woke up this morning and headed in, turn out I have a double ear infection and Bronchitis.  Got some good stuff and I am just sitting here waiting for it to kick in so I can sleep w/o coughing up a lung.  So this is my night time cocktail.

IMG_0844Yes some good stuff!!!

IMG_0845Seriously this is like a horse pill and it is next to my crazy pill.  Man I wish my crazy pill was that strong LOL then life would be just full of happiness and rainbows!!!!!

   So this is a sore subject for me but My child is having some issues at school.  UGH Her grades r finally back to straight A’s but her behavior is taking a plunge.  She decided because some boy told her to she would flip someone the bird.  LOLLLLLLLLL  No I am not laughing but it was a teeny tiny bit funny.  I didn’t show it though.  She did get punished for that and the next day she was just way to hyper and then she decided to throw her biscuit at someone again I am not laughing but that is soooooo something I would have done and did do it in school. 

Maybe she thought we were at Lambert’s where they do throw them.  Oh well so She got in a bit of trouble with that when I could actually talk to her about it without laughing. 

I sorta feel like I am floating right now and my face is numb, I think the med r kicking in so I better wrap this up quick.

Thursday I took O, my niece Dana and O’s bff Audrey (my boss’s daughter) to the park.  Of Course O had to sit out for 15 minutes for flying without a Pilots license and throwing food.  (it still makes me giggle but I did correct it)  They had so much fun and first had to get some slushy’s from sonic and a mini photo shoot.


The Three Stooges


My baby girl


Audrey is so pretty and I just LOVE this girl


My Beautiful niece Dana


Can’t believe she is going to be 7 in 2 weeks



Some pretty girlsIMG_0832-001


She is the most beautiful even when she is pouting!IMG_0839




And last but not least I have heard so much about this book I had to buy it and this is how I will end my weekend.  Hope all is good and doesn’t get sick.


I am gonna snuggle in bed and read a good book while my daughter has fun playing at gma’s just up the road tonight so I can get some sleep.

February 19, 2012

Random Crap!

      So I signed O up for soccer and for some reason I am not really very excited about it.  Why you ask, well if any of you know my sassy pants she isn’t very coordinated. But hey I am gonna give a go and hope nothing gets broken. 

  I know NOTHING about soccer, I am more of a softball girl, played it my whole life.

   So last week my Weight Watchers meeting was cancelled.  Which was a huge bummer. This week I have to admit has not been the greatest but I am ready to see the results. 

   So I bought the movie “Paranormal Activity 3”, I have to say it was a little bit dumb. I thought the 1st and the 2nd scared the poop out of me and this one was just a bit retarded. 

   I am excited next month for the new Dr. Seuss movie “ The Lorax.”  It is going to be so cute and O and I are excited to see it.

   Friday I threw a little party at the preschool for 2 of my cutie pants girls that turned 1 year old yesterday.  I bought some donut holes for them for breakfast and they loved them.  I decorated the room and bought them a little gift and a balloon.  I love my job! 

    Okay so one more random thought bc I always am thinking a million things.  I was watching this show today called, “Hillbilly Hand fishing”.  If you aren’t familiar with this it is called Noodling.  It is when you fish using your hands instead of a fishing pole.  I LOVE to fish seeing as though I live right next to the lake.  We use to put jugs out every night and get up at 5 am to check them even with O.  So I would love to go just once.  The adrenaline of sticking your hand in a whole under water not knowing what might grab ahold.  It would be really neat to pull a 40 lb cat out of the water.  Yes I am one CRAZY person. 

  Have a great week!


February 13, 2012

A1 Sauce Makes it all Better!

    So week 1 of my Weight Watcher’s diet went pretty good.  Unfortunately my meeting was cancelled so I will have to wait 1 more week to find out the results.  According to my MIL scales I have lost 6 lbs in a week.  Not to shabby I might say.

   This weekend was a little test for me but I think I passed.  Tonight was the first night that I have to say has sucked.  I am staying at my moms right now and she made some turkey burgers.  I have to say "they asted like S*!@”. Any who the asparagus and zucchini was yummy.  I just smothered my oh so yummy “Turkey Burger” with some A1 sauce. 

   My life would not be complete with out the A1 sauce.  I LOVE IT! 

   So today was a snow day thank goodness for work.  It always saves the day. LOL!  So off to Walgreens to get the kiddo some lunch.  O spent the day at the preschool so momma could work.  So we ended up closing early which was kinda nice.

  Left work and got O some lunch for tomorrow, cause I have a feeling they will call it again.  I was born in MI so I find it hilarious how MH Public schools cancel for some major flurries.  I didn’t understand this morning as I am driving to work and there is nothing on the road. 

   Granted I know the people who live in the country and back roads and such might not be able to get out.  I am one of those people who live in the middle of no where and I still function just fine.  I get to where I need to be.  Sometimes I stay with my mom and dad in town. That is a whole different subject. 

   I have been out of my house for ohhhh, well let’s just say awhile.  It is always nice to have a nice little visit and then I am ready to head home.  It is crazy when you are young you say you are never leaving!  Well now I just wanna run away and go home.  I love spending time with my parents we have a blast, but O act totally different and I wanna throw her butt out in the snow. 

The doctor’s call this the Grandparent’s Syndrome, it is real look it up.  In short it is called spoiled and they think they don’t have to listen to mom.  Guess what little child mom made the rules and I can make the punishment.  Winking smile

   One last little funny story about today.  O and I were leaving the preschool and she decided she wanted to throw a snowball at me, huh what good aim the lil shit has.  Nailed me right in the back of the head, so I in turn nailed her.  Well BOOOHOOO the lil thing can dish it out but can’t take it.  MOMMA ALWAYS WINS!



February 12, 2012

Losing weight and doing laundry!

   So this is week one on my new Weight Watchers diet.  To be honest I really don’t even feel like I am on a diet.  I go to the next meeting tomorrow night and I will find out the results of my first week.  

   I have to say that it hasn’t been to bad. I haven’t been to hungry and honestly I have found it hard to eat all my points.  But I will post soon on my first results.

   On another subject, I decided to venture into trying something new.  I went to Wal-mart and got all the stuff to make my own laundry detergent.  So I will keep you posted how that works as well.

   This weekend was pretty laid back.  M was home for the weekend which made it so much more better.  I love when he is here and it feels like old times.  I miss him so much.  He was home a little longer than he normally is.  He left this morning just in time for a chance of our first winter advisory.   It has snowed just a little but they are calling for some real accumulation.  I am packing to stay in town at my mommas in town so I can make it to work.  Living in the country 45 minutes away from town has some pros and cons.  I don’t mind staying there but I think that my bed might miss me too much and having the in laws take care of the animals.  Well I am excited for Monday night let’s home they don’t cancel the meeting. 

February 5, 2012

One Amazing weekend and A new start!

     Okay so I am gonna start this post with, O and I got to go see Daddy and she was so excited. She was a tad testy this weekend and I really thought seeing him was what she needed.  Well once again I am so wrong, this must just be another phase in raising a GIRL!  Man what an attitude this one has, GEEZ.  I asked M this weekend if we could send her to a boarding school but I guess that is out of the question.  And for those who read my blog, I do Love my child but my goodness she is too much like me and I am DOOMED!  So enough of that hopefully she will learn when we are in a hotel she has to be quiet because we aren’t the only ones there. 

   So onto the weekend, besides dealing with a PMSing child, we took a drive through the Ozark National Forrest.  Can I just say it was peaceful (well as peaceful as it can be with a 6 year old tired of being in the car) and soooooo pretty.  M took us to where he is working down a 7 mile gravel road winding up the mountain and it was awesome.  There is a nice little campground where I can see we will be spending most of our weekends this summer. It is right next to Shores Lake, a small man made lake it is so clear and pretty. I got some pictures but it doesn’t look clear because it had rained A LOT this weekend.  M is fixing landslides along the mountain where the road just kinda sunk. Scary stuff if you ask me but he is good at what he does. Here are a couple pics of O at the dam.



My girl is getting so big and she is such a ham.

      By a new start I am meaning some changes in my life.  I have sorta hit a wall and have been in a funk.  TIME TO GET OUT OF IT!!!!

    My first change is tomorrow my momma and I are joining Weight Watchers. I am totally stoked!  I have done this once before and I know how to do it but I feel more pressure hitting a meeting every week than doing it online.  Because let’s face it, no one wants to be the one who gains and not lose any when you step on the scale in front of someone.  My mother convinced me and bribed me by paying for it and I feel better if she does it with me too.  I am excited to start seeing some changes. I can tell in the past month I have been really miserable and not feeling myself AT ALL.  I am so tired and can’t seem to get any energy and my Doc (I will not mention any names) has blamed EVERYTHING on my smoking, well I have not had a cigg in 2 years and PROUD OF IT!  So thought maybe he would take things seriously when nothing changed and now it is because I am Obese!  I am not allowed to call myself fat. I did it once in front of O and you would have thought I said a potty word. “Your not fat mom you just need to exercise” she told me.  She is so smart and I LOVE her more than anything.  I want to be healthy and her to be proud of me and I also don’t want to set a bad example.  So I will be blogging about my progress good or bad. Stay tuned for one amazing story called “My New Life”.

    So I need all the encouragement and kind words to stay positive and keep pushing myself forward.  I REFUSE to get stuck in a rut like this again.  No one can change my life but me and I WILL.
