February 13, 2012

A1 Sauce Makes it all Better!

    So week 1 of my Weight Watcher’s diet went pretty good.  Unfortunately my meeting was cancelled so I will have to wait 1 more week to find out the results.  According to my MIL scales I have lost 6 lbs in a week.  Not to shabby I might say.

   This weekend was a little test for me but I think I passed.  Tonight was the first night that I have to say has sucked.  I am staying at my moms right now and she made some turkey burgers.  I have to say "they asted like S*!@”. Any who the asparagus and zucchini was yummy.  I just smothered my oh so yummy “Turkey Burger” with some A1 sauce. 

   My life would not be complete with out the A1 sauce.  I LOVE IT! 

   So today was a snow day thank goodness for work.  It always saves the day. LOL!  So off to Walgreens to get the kiddo some lunch.  O spent the day at the preschool so momma could work.  So we ended up closing early which was kinda nice.

  Left work and got O some lunch for tomorrow, cause I have a feeling they will call it again.  I was born in MI so I find it hilarious how MH Public schools cancel for some major flurries.  I didn’t understand this morning as I am driving to work and there is nothing on the road. 

   Granted I know the people who live in the country and back roads and such might not be able to get out.  I am one of those people who live in the middle of no where and I still function just fine.  I get to where I need to be.  Sometimes I stay with my mom and dad in town. That is a whole different subject. 

   I have been out of my house for ohhhh, well let’s just say awhile.  It is always nice to have a nice little visit and then I am ready to head home.  It is crazy when you are young you say you are never leaving!  Well now I just wanna run away and go home.  I love spending time with my parents we have a blast, but O act totally different and I wanna throw her butt out in the snow. 

The doctor’s call this the Grandparent’s Syndrome, it is real look it up.  In short it is called spoiled and they think they don’t have to listen to mom.  Guess what little child mom made the rules and I can make the punishment.  Winking smile

   One last little funny story about today.  O and I were leaving the preschool and she decided she wanted to throw a snowball at me, huh what good aim the lil shit has.  Nailed me right in the back of the head, so I in turn nailed her.  Well BOOOHOOO the lil thing can dish it out but can’t take it.  MOMMA ALWAYS WINS!



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