February 19, 2012

Random Crap!

      So I signed O up for soccer and for some reason I am not really very excited about it.  Why you ask, well if any of you know my sassy pants she isn’t very coordinated. But hey I am gonna give a go and hope nothing gets broken. 

  I know NOTHING about soccer, I am more of a softball girl, played it my whole life.

   So last week my Weight Watchers meeting was cancelled.  Which was a huge bummer. This week I have to admit has not been the greatest but I am ready to see the results. 

   So I bought the movie “Paranormal Activity 3”, I have to say it was a little bit dumb. I thought the 1st and the 2nd scared the poop out of me and this one was just a bit retarded. 

   I am excited next month for the new Dr. Seuss movie “ The Lorax.”  It is going to be so cute and O and I are excited to see it.

   Friday I threw a little party at the preschool for 2 of my cutie pants girls that turned 1 year old yesterday.  I bought some donut holes for them for breakfast and they loved them.  I decorated the room and bought them a little gift and a balloon.  I love my job! 

    Okay so one more random thought bc I always am thinking a million things.  I was watching this show today called, “Hillbilly Hand fishing”.  If you aren’t familiar with this it is called Noodling.  It is when you fish using your hands instead of a fishing pole.  I LOVE to fish seeing as though I live right next to the lake.  We use to put jugs out every night and get up at 5 am to check them even with O.  So I would love to go just once.  The adrenaline of sticking your hand in a whole under water not knowing what might grab ahold.  It would be really neat to pull a 40 lb cat out of the water.  Yes I am one CRAZY person. 

  Have a great week!


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