I look forward to my weekends every week (as does everyone). But We have such a simple boring life and I absolutely love it.
My daily routine consists of:
5:10 my alarm the most annoying sound in the world goes of the first time.
5:19 it usually goes off again. Ugh I roll out of bed and get in the shower.
5:30 (yes I take short showers bc I am usually rushing bc I hit the snooze) lay my clothes out and drag O out of bed and guide her to the bathroom.
5:40 I am dressed and O is still on the toilet waiting for someone to wipe her butt. (she will still ask at 16) UGH and sometimes she actually falls back asleep
5:45 I am wresting her to get dressed I finally give up and do it myself while she complains.
5:55 I am brushing her rats nest hair and yelling at her to brush her teeth.
6:00 make her feed the cats get her some breakfast to eat on the bus and she waits at the door for the bus
6:10-6:20 sometime between their the bus comes and I am packing my lunch and she yells goodbye as she runs to the bus
6:20- 6:30 Ahhh peace and quiet so nice scarf a bagel or some scrambled eggs down and hit the road
7:00 I arrive at work and rest my eyes till B or K unlock the door
7:30 my babies start to arrive
7:30-9:00 I am feeding babies breakfast as the arrive
9:00-12:00 try to survive 12 babies LOL In between change several dirty diapers, clean up puke, some more poop, some more puke, some snacks, some bottles and puke and poop. hehe
12:00- 2:00 the older ones nap and today B and I got 6 out of 9 asleep at the same time. GO US WE ROCK that only lasted about 7 minutes and the ones that went to sleep first started waking up
I am off most days by 3:00 I go home and rest my eyes till O get off the bus.
5:00 dinner and some reading homework and then the fights begin.
7:00 shower for O and then call daddy and talk to him on the phone or sometimes we video chat
7:45 –8:00 bedtime begins for O yes anytime after that we call the Witching Hour because her horns come out LOL
8:00 –9:00 I am usually on the computer and talking to M on the phone (of course he is on speaker bc I can’t really type holding the phone)
He usually gets on to me bc I sometimes drift off onto a blogger world while I am stalking other blogs. But even though his body isn’t here I still feel like he is with me listening to him on the other end.
So that is how my day goes and the next day I do the same EXACT routine.
I do not like change and when I get off of this routine it makes the rest of the day feel weird and I never get caught up.
On another note I was so excited bc M was suppose to come home or so we thought but they ran into some equipment trouble today and won’t be home till next Thursday. He has to make a quick trip Monday to Robbinsville, North Carolina. (maybe I will retire there someday) SOOOO pretty!
Well I have full weekend of cleaning to get ready for O birthday slumber party next weekend.
Funny thing before I sign off O (my soon to be 7 yr old) asked me if we had TV’s when I was a kid. Seriously my jaw dropped open. I told her yes and she said did it have color. BRAT I told her I am not that old geez I just turned 30 and feel like I graduated yesterday. I wish I still had that body too.
Happy Weekend everyone!
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