Okay so O’s official birthday was the 7th and we decided this year we were just going to take a couple friends to the movies and a sleepover.
I was such an entertaining day for us. O was so excited today was the day we got the house decorated and cleaned. I made cupcakes and lots of snacks.
I got a call around 9 or 10 from my sister and my niece was throwing up. That’s one down, poor girl I felt so bad for her. Then about an hour later M started. Oh boy So he didn’t get to go to movies with us. So then I had to call my friend Brooke and let her know bc I didn’t think she would want A spending the night (I don’t blame her I didn’t even want to come home) So we meet them at the movies with Kerry, Ella and Jake. We went to see The Lorax 3D, it was so cute. Afterward Kerry and I took them all to the park, let them run off all the candy and let O open her presents.
After a bit A said her tummy hurt and she wasn’t feeling well, So we headed home. We were almost to her house when she just let er rip. Nothing Like popcorn, coke and a whole bag of Licorice. HA
Poor A she felt awful! Poor Brooke too she felt awful that she puked in my car, but don’t worry B it was fine. My child throws up all the time.
Just keep on reading it gets soooooo much better!!!!!!
While A took a bath, O decided she needed to poop. Imagine that! We got so tickled because A was in the tub and O was on the pot. When O was done the toilet was clogged, Leave it to my child! I tried to plunge it but it was too full so B thought maybe if the took the lid off and pulled the lever up it would help. “Try it, I am no plumber but what the heck” I said, so that is exactly what she did. Boy were we wrong. That made it so much worse, and flooded the bathroom. The other B saved the day. We decided to let the kids play outside for a bit. Then O and I left and went to the carwash to shampoo my seats and go to Wal-Mart, got some dinner and went to my mommas.
We laughed at how eventful the day was and how bad my head hurt so I headed home.
If things couldn’t get any worse, I spoke too soon again….
I wasn’t even paying attention and didn’t realize I was going 70 in a 55 till I say the flashing blue lights. O asked what that was and I told her I was getting pulled over to just be quiet. She said ohhhh you are in trouble I wonder if you are going to jail. The Trooper was really nice but things just kept getting worse, I realized my proof on insurance was sitting on the counter where as it should be in my car. NOT GOOD! but he was very fair and nice and didn’t give me a ticket for going 15 over but I did get one for no proof of insurance.
By the time I got home I was ready for my Tylenol PM and a stiff drink! (well I just had a caff free diet coke) But some Vodka or some good ole Jack would have been nice.
Well once it kicked in that was it and I was done with that day. I owe my girl big time. What a party to remember.
I am so glad it is over and there is no going back. Well bring on Monday because I am so over this weekend. I only get to see M a couple days a month and he has been sick this whole time. Blahhhhhhhhhhhh
Signing off,
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