November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

So Halloween is getting better every year and next year Dana will get to go yay!!! Well we started the night off going to my grandma's house, then off to Aunt Joyce's and then to town it was a long night and we kinda got started early to be able to make the rounds but we have always made it to everyone's house so they could see the girls. Olivia had such a great time and She is such a big girl and wasn't scared at all to go knock on the door and say trick or treat. But the only down fall is that my 3 year old would say thank you and be polite and 95% of the people that hand out the candy never said your welcome. What is wrong with that picture?

Ree the Giraffe
Aunt Becky and the girls

Ree riding GIGI's deer

sweet girls

Look at my kid what a ham

She is so beautiful

Dana all about the bowl of candy

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