April 10, 2011

Everyday is a circus for us

Okay so this weekend was the circus and at the last minute I texted Brooke and asked if I could take Audrey with and she said yes! YAY The girls Had so much fun together. We meet my sister and BIL and my niece and had so much fun.
We Started out riding the ponies of course and then to the show.

Here is little miss Audrey

My sweet niece Dana LOVED the pony she did such a good job holding on and petting the horse at the same time! So darn cute

The girls eating their cotton candy

Liv and her pony!

Of course I had to make them pose for one

And then I gave them the option of a toy of face painting and this is what they chose! Silly girls they just Love each other but yet fight just like sisters!

So this was my first attempt at taking pictures off my IPhone and it worked I can't believe it! So I will end on saying I am ready to go play with my babies tomorrow and I am excited. I might not be able to get pregnant now but I still get my baby fix everyday. I LOVE MY JOB and the girls I work with.

Here are a few old ones off my phone:

This one is actually last week Liv had the stomache bug wednesday so dad kept her home one more day to be sure and they worked around the yard and this is what I came home too. Pink and grey stripped shirt white pants (outside) with red hearts and her cowgirl boots! I am so glad we live out in the country where not very many people would see this, HA!

My lil chef. This hat and apron was a gift from aunt Kay and she loves going to gmas to bake stuff!

This was at her Christmas party at school. She is such a ham!

Last but not least this was my baby girl the first day of kindergarten not nervous one bit. I remember brooke and I decided we would take the girls together and as soon as she got out of the van I bawled like a baby and brooke laughed at me. I am so thankful to have a friend/boss who helps me so much picking Olivia up from school and another wonderful friend Lindsey who takes her to school. You girls are great and I am very thankful to have you in my life andhave someone whom I trust with my child. Thanks

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