January 8, 2012


I really am not sure how to go about writing this blog. I have spent the past few hours catching up on blogs that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. It is not noseyness I just get some inspiration from some and laughter from others. Although a few of the people I know but others I have never met but someday would actually love to.
I hate death especially when it comes to children and babies. We have a 6 (almost 7) year old and she is healthy and my whole world. We have struggled with infertility for almost 6 years now and it has had it's ups and downs, actually more downs, but we are coming to grips that God's plan for us maybe to only have one child and for whatever that reason may be I am olay with. I am not saying that my heart still aches for just one more baby that is mine but I am OKAY!
Now going back to other blogs! I have followed this certain blog and this sweet couple has a set of twins. I knew they had lost a baby boy but have never really watched or read back for fear of feeling heartache and as I was sitting here alone I decided I was going to do it. Thru the tears I am writing this and seeing the slideshow in my mind and what they must have felt like holding their baby while it took it's last breath. UGH I am so thankful to have what I have and a healthy girl and one AMAZING husband.
I have a good friend who buried her son after a battle with cancer and still to this day I remember exactly how he looked in his casket. Although we have kind of drifted apart I still pray for their family and will always. I have never done too well with funerals and stuff and I will have to say that day effected me in ways I cannot imagine and I am not to one who was actaully going thru it.
I may not attend church like I should but I still pray for God to watch out for us all and take the pain away. My mother lost a baby after carrying her for 9 months and I still wonder what our family would be like if there was another girl and what she would look like and if we would be close like my sister and I am now. I pray for my daughter to never have to feel pain and live a long happy life.
I pray and hope that someday if I can't have another blessing than maybe I can answer some prayers for another child in need of a family. This has been such a good weekend and I will end it with I thank God for everything and I am very blessed.

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